Islamiat Test-7

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Islamiat Test-7
islamiat online test quiz

Islamiat Test.7

Quiz Instructions:

  • There will be 20 multiple choice question in this online test.
  • Answer of the questions will change randomly each time you start this test.
  • Practice this test at least 3 times if you want to secure High Marks.
  • At the End of the Test you can see your Test score and Rating.

1 / 20

In Holy Quran ____________ Surah start with the name of prophets.

2 / 20

There are _________ stages in Holy Quran.

3 / 20

Laws about Zina revealed in __________ A.H.

4 / 20

Laws about orphanage revealed in __________ A.H.

5 / 20

Laws about inheritance revealed in __________ A.H

6 / 20

The order of Hijab for women revealed in __________ A.H.

7 / 20

Ablution made obligatory in _____________ A.H.

8 / 20

Interest was prohibited in _________ A.H.

9 / 20

Paradise is mentioned in Quran for_______ times.

10 / 20

Nation of Noah A.S worshiped _________ idols.

11 / 20

Ibrahim A.S remained in fire ________ days.

12 / 20

Ibrahim A.S was __________ years old when Ismael A.S was born.

13 / 20

Hazrat ____________ was the first who learnt to write.

14 / 20

Hazrat Musa A.S was granted ________ miracles.

15 / 20

Hazrat _____________ was famous for his patience.

16 / 20

Baitul Laham is the birth Place of Hazrat __________ is situated in Jerusalem.

17 / 20

Prophet Hazrat ____________ has the title Najeeb Ullah

18 / 20

After _________ day’s continuous rain and storm the nation of Hood destroyed.

19 / 20

Yousuf A.S and Yaqoob A.S met each other after ________ years.

20 / 20

Nation of ____________ committed embezzlement in trusts.

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